Marion Audubon Society presents Project 150 with the purpose of encouraging more birding and improving bird counts at various Marion County hotspots. The more data we have from more areas in our county, the more we will learn about our bird population.
How Does This Work?
It’s simple, find a hotspot or several on the list and try to bird it more often. As we all collectively bird these spots more, more species will be spotted at each location. Check the hotspot total species count after you post your eBird list for that location and see if you moved the needle.
What’s The Goal?
A hotspot with 150 species or more is a great indication of a very diverse birding location. Also, growing a hotspot to 150 or more species changes its status and makes it more desirable for visiting birding to checkout, which in turn will increase species counts.
The ultimate goal is to light up Marion County with numerous well-birded hotspots, add new hotspots, and increase the overall number of species and total birds recorded each year.
Check back to this page throughout the year and see how the numbers are changing.
What Do I Need To Do?
Simply bird the locations on the Project 150 list as often as possible and report your sightings using eBird. When you submit your list, any new species added will be automatically added to the total for that hotspot. It’s that easy.